Amazon Product Review Ratings

Retrieve Amazon product listing review ratings with this add-on. This module includes the total review ratings count, star ratings average, and the count for each star rating.

reviews and ratings

How Amazon Product Review Ratings Can Help

Many sellers find ratings to be extremely helpful when deciding which products to sell on. Ratings give you insight into a couple of things:

  1. Is it a quality product? The last thing you want as a seller is to damage your seller feedback rating. Selling poor-quality products can certainly lead to a bad reputation, lots of returns, and downward sales performance based on bad seller ratings.
  2. How much visibility does the product get? Our built-in Sales Rank gives insight on how well a product is selling; however knowing the amount of reviews can reconfirm those Sales Rank numbers knowing that the more ratings, the more people have bought the product. Chances are a listing with 0 ratings is not likely to have seen many sales, yet a product listing with hundreds of ratings has likely seen at least hundreds or even thousands of sales.

How It Works

This add-on looks for any ASINs that you imported or any ASINs you retrieved from other identifiers with your account. Using those ASINs, the add-on retrieves the review ratings information and stores it into 3 columns that can be reviewed in the ‘Manage Data’ section of your account, or exported to a CSV from the export page. There is a separate progress display for this add-on to show how many ASINs exist in your account and of those, how many have seen searched. This search is independent from the primary conversion search.

This Add-on Includes:

  • Total Reviews Count
  • Star Reviews Average
  • Star Reviews Count