Lookup ASIN by Brand on Amazon

lookup ASIN by Brand

We’re asked quite a few times a week on how to search Amazon ASIN numbers by product Brand. Is it possible? The short answer is yes; but it’s a bit more difficult depending on the brand you are searching for and how many brands make up your inventory file. For instance, is your brand unique or are there other products with the same brand name on Amazon. Often brands will be unique due to copyrights; however in some cases you might find your brand name contained in another brand name (i.e. “Apple” for computers and “AppleCore” for kitchen utensils). This could potentially cause inaccurate results and may need category filters when searching.

Retrieving ASINs by Brand Keyword

We offer a couple ways to retrieve Amazon ASINs by brand. Given there are many variables with this type of search, you may want to contact us to see what solution best fits your data. Data inconsistencies (spelling, spaces, hyphens, etc.) may exist between your list of brand names and Amazons listings. If your brand name only has 100 or so products listed on Amazon, our keyword search tool should do the trick. Simply type in your Brand name, click search, and export all of the results. You can delete any invalid listings in the control panel before you export to an excel file.

ASIN lookup by Brand

For Amazon sellers that have a large number of products, we have the ability to collect ASINs (and other product attributes) for your brands however it may require custom plugins with your Synccentric account. Drop us a line and we’ll provide you with the best solution based on your needs.

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